
volunteer image


In a world often consumed by self-interest, volunteering stands as a powerful way to break free from the mundane and make a lasting impact. Whether it’s lending a helping hand to those in need, supporting a cause close to your heart, or contributing to the betterment of society, becoming a volunteer is an extraordinary opportunity for personal growth and social change. This article delves into the transformative journey of becoming a volunteer and explores the numerous benefits it offers to both individuals and the communities they serve.


Social Work for an excluded community? What was the point? A Ray of Hope

In the 21st century, life moves on; individuals move to cities, countries, towns, or villages; team GB GWM noticed that there was no work for the disabled communities who have been excluded from society. Society is defined as a social product created by the actions of individuals that then exert a coercive social force back on those individuals. Through their collective consciousness, Durkheim argued, human beings become aware of one another as social beings, not just animals. Can a society prosper if some people are excluded from social life?

Social Work for an excluded community? What was the point? A Ray of Hope Read More »

Interview with the.Ismaili UK

The Gilgit-Baltistan’s Goodwill Movement GB GWM is an organization working on community and skills-based development for persons with disabilities in Gilgit-Baltistan.

This recently registered organization is being run by persons with disabilities, primarily students keen to showcase their work on a national, regional, and international stage. Today, we are joined by Ghulam Muhammad Baig, CEO of GB GWM, Farhan Baig, President, and Abrar Ahmed, General Secretary.

Interview with the.Ismaili UK Read More »

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