Nepotism dentist

Nepotism and Favouritism in Gilgit Baltistan. Persons with Disablities.

In the Podcast by Glasgow Disablity Alliance, I realized that Persons with Disablities must express their voice more clearly and bluntly. While I do not believe conflict is the right course of action, one must promptly reform their behavior if they are doing something wrong. This is the philosophy of Life. One’s ethics and conduct determine their social capital, whether they are unable to socialize, communicate, and network within their society, etc.

In Gilgit Baltistan, someone comes into or goes into power regardless of their intellectual level and freedom of thought. Dr. Saranjam Baig highlights that in Gilgit Baltistan, we (the people) are often scared of talking about such issues as ‘ they’ might look upon this as anti-state or anti-government. While we are in no position to change past circumstances, we can do it in the future


While I am no one to judge or measure nepotism, the thing is that it benefits a few, not many. We have to change our ideology, precisely regarding persons with disablities. I am not accusing anyone, certainly not a disabled person, but is it not apparent that the 18 crore and 66 lakhs suited someone’s agenda rather than disabled people themselves This has to stop. Pakistan is a developing country, but the awareness of persons with disablities needs more investment.


Once you have a nepotistic state of mind, favoritism is your right hand. I should not be saying this, but this also happens in Gilgit Baltistan. This is unethical as some organizations working for Persons with disablities have some other expertise than others, as some might work on

  • Spinal Cord injuries
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Visual Impairments
  • Intellectual disablities such as autism

Long term consequences

Due to nepotism and favoritism, disabled people often

  • Lose out on vital funding.
  • Mistrust officials
  • Create an environment where there is misinformation/disinformation
  • Lose out on important gains being made in the struggle to achieve fully disabled rights.

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