Meeting with Force Commander Northern Areas

His Excellency Major General Kashif Khalil, Force Commander Northern Areas, recently held a round table discussion with the team from the Gilgit Baltistan Goodwill Movement, focusing on the pressing issues faced by persons with disabilities in the region. The meeting aimed to foster a collaborative environment where stakeholders could openly discuss challenges and strategize potential solutions to improve the quality of life for disabled individuals in Gilgit Baltistan.

During the discussion, the Force Commander expressed his commitment to addressing the unique needs and concerns of the disabled community. He emphasized the importance of inclusivity and the need for comprehensive policies that ensure equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of their physical or mental abilities.

The Gilgit Baltistan Goodwill Movement team highlighted several key issues, including the lack of accessible infrastructure, limited healthcare services, and the need for better educational and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. They also discussed the social stigmas that often hinder the full participation of disabled individuals in society.

In response, the Force Commander assured the team of his support in advocating for policy changes and resource allocation to address these issues.

The round table discussion concluded with a renewed commitment from all parties to work together towards creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for persons with disabilities in Gilgit Baltistan.

The Force Commander’s proactive engagement and the collaborative efforts of the Gilgit Baltistan Goodwill Movement set a promising foundation for future initiatives aimed at empowering the disabled community.

His leadership and dedication to this cause highlight the crucial role of the Force Commander in promoting social welfare and development in the Northern Areas.

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