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How to donate in Gilgit Baltistan? Ramadan 2024?

We have received several inquiries regarding how to donate to the GB Goodwill Movement in Gilgit Baltistan and in Pakistan. The process is straightforward:

  1. GB Goodwill Movement operates through KCBL, the first private bank in Gilgit Baltistan.
  2. Visit your nearest KCBL branch in Gilgit Baltistan.
  3. Bring a signed cheque made out to “Gilgit Baltistan’s Goodwill Movement.”
  4. For instance, if Asad Baig wishes to donate 5,000 rupees, he should send a cheque made out to “GB Goodwill Movement.”

That’s all there is to it!

In other cities of Pakistan, the signed cheque can be sent to GB Goodwill Movement’s office, and your cheque will be recieved by one of our team who will contact you after it arrives!

All cheques must be made in the name of the NGO, Gilgit Baltistan’s Goodwill Movement

Donate for a good cause this Ramadan

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