My name is Mumtaz Ali I belong to Thui Yasin. My family moved to Gilgit in 1994. I am a 30-year-old male with a visual impairment . My primary and secondary schooling were from Gilgit and I moved to Islamabad for intermediate. I have a teaching experience of 8.5 years of which five years as the principal. I moved back to Gilgit for my Masters. I am supposed to tell you my story, let us see how it goes, let’s start In 1997, when I was in school, I came to know that my vision was going to be a problem; but I did not take it much seriously. After 2006, my vision started to deteriorate. You know it was a depressing time ; I felt gloomy, rain would make me sad as my vision blurred, and exams would stress me out. In 2011, a doctor diagnosed that I hav