Saigon 1972 - People who have turned blind because of the war learn to cross a road.

White Cane Safety Day, and Blind/ Visually Impaired People in Gilgit Baltistan.

On Sunday, the 15th of October 2023, the world will celebrate White Cane Safety Day.

What is White Cane Safety Day?

President Johnson initiated White Cane Safety Day to remember the contributions of blind people, the visually impaired.  As Lubna Hashmat rightfully points out, there are more physical disabilities, one of which is visually impaired; we must raise some awareness of these communities.

Description of the Visually Impaired

Though Gilgit Baltistan’s Goodwill Movement interacts with all forms of disabilities, our primary cohort of students has been the visually impaired, people with sight issues: why?  Because we believe that the pen is mightier than the sword.  Whether one has sight or not, one’s intellect is more important than this.  What is the evidence: we have seen how our ableist governments, regimes, and institutions develop unequal societies, specifically in Pakistan.


Is this not a Human rights issue?

Many times in developing countries, we hear from Pakistan and other nations that for further development, our GDP has to be at 10%, the inflation rate has to be at 2% or something, and political victimization has to be stopped.  Really? What about the constant persecution of the visually impaired – who could have been your economic asset  Summary Review of PWDs & job market.

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