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Revised Article of Top Five Reasons to Donate to Goodwill. Policy Statement

The introduction of AI in Education and on the internet has helped individuals like myself to get some clarity. Though AI has its harms, I think it can help disabled people further their goals and spend less time worrying about things that can be resolved. To kick off this series we asked ChatGPT reasons why people do not donate to causes such as Goodwill.

From a 3rd person, one can see on our website that we help disabled people in Gilgit Baltistan through Skills Development, Advocacy Projects, or Raising Awareness. That being said, since we are reviewing analytics and trends. We regularly needed clarification on why these trends do not translate into donations on our website. Therefore, using ChatGPT is a good tool to have some clarity and, hopefully communicate it to our audience.


As per ChatGPT it states :

There are various reasons why donors may choose not to donate to charities, and it’s important to remember that individual motivations can differ. Some common reasons include:

  1. Financial constraints: Many people may have limited financial resources and may not be in a position to donate to charities . Donors might prioritize their own basic needs and financial stability over charitable donations.
  2. Lack of awareness: Some individuals may not be aware of the charitable organizations and causes that exist. They may not know where or how to donate, or they may not fully understand the impact of their donations.
  3. Distrust of charities: There have been instances of unethical or inefficient use of funds by certain charitable organizations, which can lead to distrust among potential donors. People may be concerned that their money won’t be used effectively or for the intended purpose.
  4. Skepticism about impact: Some individuals may question the effectiveness of charitable giving and wonder if their donations will actually make a difference. They may be unsure if their money will be used to address the root causes of a problem or merely provide temporary relief.
  5. Personal priorities: People have diverse priorities, and some may prioritize other financial goals, such as saving for education, retirement, or personal expenses, over donating to charities.
  6. Compassion fatigue: Constant exposure to charitable appeals and the suffering of others can lead to a sense of helplessness or compassion fatigue, making people less inclined to donate.
  7. Political or ideological differences: Some individuals may choose not to donate to charities because they disagree with the mission, values, or policies of certain organizations. They may prefer to support causes that align more closely with their beliefs.
  8. Lack of connection: People often feel more motivated to donate to causes or organizations with which they have a personal connection or experience. If they don’t have a direct connection to a particular cause, they may be less likely to donate.
  9. Fear of scams: There is a concern about fraudulent or deceptive charities that may exploit people’s goodwill. Some individuals may avoid donating out of fear of falling victim to a scam.
  10. Donor fatigue: Frequent requests for donations, especially during natural disasters or major fundraising campaigns, can lead to donor fatigue, causing people to become desensitized or overwhelmed by the sheer volume of requests.

To encourage more people to donate to charities, charitable organizations need to be essentially transparent about their operations, demonstrate the impact of their work, and build trust with potential donors. Additionally, efforts to raise awareness, educate the public, and create a connection between donors and the causes they support can help increase charitable giving.

Statement in favour of Goodwill

While ChatGPT raises issues such as Financial constraints and the Lack of Awareness, I would like to focus on the fear of Scams, Lack of Connection and Distrust Of Charities as all this is interlinked.

Nothing that has been said is wrong; one should have due diligence. Nevertheless, it is about communication skills for a charity. The website is a good starting point; our Facebook page has up-to-date posts, and our Linkedin account has up-to-date reports, what more can one need?

On top of that we are all contactable on our social media feeds.

As far as the distrust of Charities and the Fear of Scams, one would know if that was the case in our opinion we have nothing to hide. And if thats not all

Our interactive webinars show the public of what are our conditions like, and who we are as individuals?


ChatGPT as an tool is really useful for disabled people. Such applications clear our thoughts and how we communicate towards donors. Not every charity in Pakistan is misused.

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